Resuming photoshoots: Covid19 (coronavirus) update

June 01, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

As of today, the government has updated social distancing guidelines, and is now permitting more social activity outside and gathering of groups of up to six. I am so happy that this means outdoor photoshoots can now take place. Please read on to find out more. At the bottom you'll find guidance on what will happen if you need to postpone or cancel (in short, you don't need to worry!).

Family Photoshoots

Family photographed laughing together sat amongst long grassOutdoor family photoshoots to restartOutdoor family photoshoots are now safe to restart - I keep a minimum of 2m distance away from you throughout your shoot I am now taking bookings for outdoor photoshoots for families of up to five people. For a family photoshoot, heading outdoors has always been my preference and recommendation. It feels really natural, we go for a stroll, the kids have lots of fun running, climbing and hunting for bugs and fairies, and parents relax and enjoy it too!

I have lots of outdoor locations in and around Windsor that I can recommend for photoshoots. My portfolio galleries show examples of family photos and kids photos outdoors.

The lenses I use mean I rarely need to come closer than 2-3m anyway, and, of course, I will now ensure that I maintain a minimum of 2m distance from you at all times. You'll still get the 'close-up' photos - I use zoom lenses that mean it looks close whilst I'm still a good few metres away! Close-up photo of a brother and sister giggling together in the sunshineOutdoor photoshoots to resumeClose-up photos are still possible with long lenses - a relaxed and natural photoshoot where your kids will have lots of fun

With outdoor family photoshoots, essentially very little has changed, except I won't shake hands to say hi, and I won't hand anything to you or your children.

I also have a filter mask that I can wear on request. I won't wear this as standard as I'll get better reactions from the kids if they can see me smiling, etc, and the government recommendation to wear a face covering is in "enclosed spaces" such as "public transport or in some shops"; however, I am more than happy to wear it if you prefer.

Indoor shoots using the studio kit are still on hold - I will take another look at this when government advice is updated and the risk level changes.

Close-up photo of mum & dad looking down at their newborn daughterA new kind of newborn baby photoshootWith coronavirus photographers are having to adapt the way they work. Hands-on newborn photoshoots will not be possible for some time, but I am developing a new service so those precious first few days are not missed. Newborn Photoshoots

My standard newborn photoshoots involve me wrapping and posing your baby. Due to this hands-on nature, it is unlikely I'll be able to resume these for some time.

However, I'm so aware that babies grow and change very quickly. The first few months fly by and are quickly forgotten. So I'm currently working on an outdoors 'distance' photoshoot service that will enable me to capture these memories of the first few weeks whilst keeping you and your baby at a safe distance. More info and examples can be found here.

Pop-up Photoshoots

The pop-up photoshoots that I hold in local café's are on hold until these venues are able to reopen. Once they are open, I will discuss with each individual venue when and how it is appropriate to restart these.


If you've already booked with me

Close-up photo of bride & groom's hands with wedding rings on and holding bouquetWedding advice coronavirus 2020Wedding advice - what to do if you need to postpone your 2020 wedding or are planning a wedding for 2021 If you have a wedding booked with me for 2020 it's likely that we've already been in touch. My standard contract allows free postponement to a new date within six months subject to my being available on the new date - this is currently extended to 12 months.

If you're planning a wedding for the end of 2020 or 2021

I realise that there is still uncertainty when making your wedding plans for later this year and early 2021. The postponement clause mentioned above applies to all new bookings too (and will also include the extension to 12 months), so you can book with reassurance. I'm taking bookings now for later this year and for 2021/22, so please do get in contact if you're planning a wedding - I'd love to hear the plans for your day and chat about your wedding photography.

Commercial Photoshoots

Woman smiles at camera in a relaxed outdoor settingHeadshots & personal branding photoshootsOutdoor headshot and personal branding photoshoots are now permitted Outdoor headshot photoshoots may now restart, these are perfect if you'd like a relaxed and natural shot for your website or LinkedIn profile. Many have also booked this service when looking for a profile image for online dating sites.

If your brand suits an outdoor theme, then now could be the perfect time for a personal branding shoot which can take place in a number of outdoor locations. Of course, both headshots and branding shoots will be done at more than 2m distance.

Throughout lockdown I have offered a product photography service from my home studio and this continues.

Please contact me to arrange a free telephone consultation to discuss how professional photography can make a difference to your brand or small business.

What if we need to self isolate or postpone?

I realise the current time brings lots of uncertainty. It's important that we all follow government guidelines and isolate if we have any symptoms of Covid19. If you find yourselves in this situation, then I'll happily postpone your booking. Likewise, I would never attend a photoshoot if I, or anyone in my household, have any Covid19 symptoms.

It's going to be a while until we are back to full normality, but I'm looking forward to restarting the shoots that I can. If you have a query about anything that's not covered above, please feel free to get in contact, I'm always happy to chat. I look forward to seeing and photographing you soon!


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